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Watch Patrol logo

Precinct Watch Patrol

Members who wish to participate in patrolling within their precinct, must receive PWP Patrol training and adhere to the patrol guidelines of the program. Members notify their Precinct Patrol Coordinator of available dates and times. The coordinator will schedule the marked vehicle patrols and assign sectors to patrol based on the most recent crime statistics for the precinct.

Patrol Training Schedule

SOS logo

Safeguarding Our Seniors (SOS)

Safeguarding = Protecting from crime exposure
Our = Van Zandt County Residents
Seniors = Persons 60 years or older who we identify as needing our assistance.

Members participating in the SOS program will assist with security issues in and around the homes of qualified citizens dealing with health issues, disabilities, immobility, or other limiting factors.

OID logo

Operation Identification (OID)

The main premise of the program involves owners engraving or marking a unique identifying number on their property. This process is intended to discourage burglary and theft and provide a positive method of identifying stolen property. In communities where this program has been properly implemented and maintained, OID has shown dramatic results in its ability to help reduce burglaries and return recovered stolen property to owners.

Callout Icon

Call Out Assistance

Members receiving special training can be called to respond to the scene of low risk incidents or a disaster to provide whatever assistance is needed by the Sheriff’s Office and local authorities.